How the evolution of tooth enamel tissue unfolded

Researchers at the UZH Center for Dental Medicine have investigated the importance of the Notch pathway for the evolution of tooth morphology. Mutations in this signaling pathway can lead to defective structures in tooth ...

Scientists revive Stone Age molecules

Breakthroughs in ancient genome reconstruction and biotechnology are now revealing the rich molecular secrets of Paleolithic microorganisms. In a new study published in Science, a transdisciplinary team of researchers led ...

How hairs help fish feel and humans hear

By discovering how zebrafish use their hair cells to detect distant movement, a team of Case Western Reserve scientists may have found a path to help explain human hearing loss.

Got milk? The ancient Tibetans did, according to study

New research into ancient populations that resided on the Tibetan Plateau has found that dairy pastoralism was being practiced far earlier than previously thought and may have been key to long-term settlement of the region's ...

Research highlights gender bias persistence over centuries

New research from Washington University in St. Louis provides evidence that modern gender norms and biases in Europe have deep historical roots dating back to the Middle Ages and beyond, suggesting that DNA is not the only ...

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