WikiLeaks to defy US demands on leaked cables

(AP) -- The online website WikiLeaks says it will go ahead with the release of hundreds of thousands of classified State Department documents in defiance of U.S. demands not to publish the files.

List of targets of arrested computer hackers

The five computer hackers charged in New York on Tuesday and a sixth who pleaded guilty are accused of involvement in some of the most notorious hacking incidents of the past 18 months.

Anonymous hackers claim they were infiltrated

People identifying themselves as activists in the Anonymous hacker movement said Wednesday it wasn't technical prowess but police infiltration that yielded 25 arrests in a sweep in Europe and South America.

British LulzSec hackers admit CIA cyber attacks

Two British members of the hacking group LulzSec admitted Monday carrying out cyber attacks against the CIA and Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group News International.

Hackers target British anti-crime agency website

Hackers who have hit the websites of the CIA, US Senate, Sony and others during a month-long rampage claimed on Monday to have knocked the site of Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA) offline.

'Anonymous' fires back at hacker hunters

Notorious hacker group Anonymous on posted a defiant message to police Thursday and boasted of plundering sensitive data from NATO computers.

S. Korean hackers trade cyber blows with N. Korea

Computer hackers from South and North Korea are waging an apparent propaganda battle in cyberspace, less than two months after their militaries traded artillery fire across the tense sea border.

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