Most Americans want government to combat climate change: survey

Sixty-five percent of Americans think climate change is a problem that the government needs to address, including 43 percent of Republicans and 84 percent of Democrats, according to a new survey from the Energy Policy Institute ...

Poll finds vast gaps in US climate views

The American public is sharply divided on the issue of climate change, with liberals far more likely than conservatives to trust scientists on the science of global warming, a poll said Tuesday.

Adaptation to climate risks: Political affiliation matters

A new study reveals that those who affiliate with the Democratic Party have different views than those who vote Republican on the following issues: the likelihood of floods occurring, adopting protection measures, and expectations ...

American political speech is increasingly partisan, research shows

Here's a test for measuring partisanship in American politics today: Turn on C-SPAN and – without looking at the name of the lawmaker on screen – see how long it takes to tell whether the member of Congress is a Republican ...

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