Democratic backslide a threat to free elections globally: Report

More than half of the 60 countries holding national elections this year are experiencing a democratic decline, risking the integrity of the electoral process, as reported in the latest Democracy Report from the V-Dem Institute ...

Dutch youth found to have little knowledge about democracy

Dutch youth are less informed about democracy than peers in similar countries. This is evident from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), an international survey conducted in 24 countries on citizenship ...

The impact of populism on multinational corporations' investment

A stable economic and political environment is necessary for firms to feel secure while making long-term investment decisions, such as those related to investing in foreign countries (also known as foreign direct investment ...

Africa sounds caution on net zero goal ahead of COP27

Africa needs time and money to wean itself off fossil fuels in order to achieve net zero without jeopardising its future, its representatives are warning ahead of next month's climate talks.

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