Report presents best policy options to reduce petroleum use

It will take more than tougher fuel economy standards for U.S. transportation to significantly cut its oil use over the next half century. It will likely require a combination of measures that foster consumer and supplier ...

Flexible schedule is key to keeping working moms on the job

Women who return to work after giving birth are more likely to stay on the job if they have greater control over their work schedules, according to a Baylor University study. Researchers also found that job security and the ...

Chile court blocks giant Patagonia dam project

A Chilean court ordered the suspension of a project to build a complex of giant hydroelectric dams in the Patagonian wilderness, bowing to appeals by lawmakers and environmental groups.

Sony to restore most PlayStation services this week

Sony said Tuesday it plans to restore by this weekend PlayStation Network services worldwide except in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea, after being targeted in a massive online attack in April.

Best for batteries: Not too hot, not too cold

( -- Thermal management is crucial in the development of new car batteries; NREL's Large-Volume Calorimeter helps prepare for a surge in electric vehicles.

Demand Media 1Q results ease worries about Google

(AP) -- Demand Media Inc. fared better than analysts anticipated in the first quarter, easing investor worries that Google Inc.'s recent changes to how it culls search results may have damaged the online content generator's ...

Managing California's water: From conflict to reconciliation

The rapid decline of salmon and the steady increase in the number of endangered fish species show that a new approach is needed to manage California's aquatic ecosystems, according to the book "Managing California's Water: ...

A surprise: China's energy consumption will stabilize

( -- As China's economy continues to soar, its energy use and greenhouse gas emissions will keep on soaring as well --or so goes the conventional wisdom. A new analysis by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National ...

New U.S. nuclear reactors unlikely soon: physicist

( -- Japanese officials increased the nuclear crisis level at the Fukushima plant on Monday to match that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. But, unlike the Soviet disaster, most of the radiation from the Fukushima ...

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