NASA to launch latest high-tech weather satellite

The United States is poised to launch Thursday the latest in its family of high-tech meteorological satellites that watch storm development and weather conditions on Earth from high in space.

Assembly completed on powerful Delta IV rocket

Assembly of the powerful Delta IV rocket boosting the pathfinder version of NASA's Orion crew capsule on its maiden test flight in December has been completed.

Delta Cephei's hidden companion

To measure distances in the universe, astronomers use cepheids, a family of variable stars whose luminosity varies with time. Their role as distance calibrators has brought them attention from researchers for more than a ...

Scientists assess flooding and damage from 2008 Myanmar cyclone

Tropical cyclone Nargis made landfall in the Asian nation of Myanmar on May 2, 2008, causing the worst natural disaster in the country's recorded history - with a death toll that may have exceeded 138,000. In the July 2009 ...

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