What is pond? Study provides first data-driven definition

Nearly everyone can identify a pond, but what, exactly, distinguishes it from a lake or a wetland? A new study co-led by Cornell offers the first data-driven, functional definition of a pond and evidence of ponds' distinct ...

Moons are planets too

What makes a planet a planet? The answer turns out to be rather contentious. The official definition of a planet, as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is that a planet must satisfy three conditions:

'Upcycling' promises to turn food waste into your next meal

How would you like to dig into a "recycled" snack? Or take a swig of juice with "reprocessed" ingredients made from other food byproducts? Without the right marketing, these don't sound like the most appetizing options.

To be or not to be: An organoid

Mini-organs, or organoids, play a big role in the future of medicine. Their countless applications can help develop and implement tailored therapies for each patient. The revolutionary development of organoids started in ...

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