Stratfor warns hacking victims of further woes

US intelligence analysis firm Stratfor has warned its members whose emails and credit card information were hacked that they could be targeted a second time for speaking out on behalf of the company.

Hackers shut down Salvadoran ministry websites

Online "hacktivist" group Anonymous has attacked the websites of El Salvador's presidency and government ministries, forcing several to be shut down, officials said Sunday.

Anonymous targets pepper-spraying policeman

The online "hacktivist" group Anonymous published the personal contact details on Monday of a California university policeman who used pepper spray on protesters, and it urged supporters to flood him with phone calls and ...

Doubt cast on Sir Bernard Lovell's 'brainwashing'

In this month's edition of Physics World, science writer Richard Corfield casts doubt on the alleged "brainwashing" of the late British astronomer Sir Bernard Lovell by the Soviets at the height of the Cold War and explains ...

1C adds Russian intrigue to action videogames

Videogame powerhouse 1C Company is tapping into history with action titles that show who the good guys are in a battle can depend on which army is being asked.

Twitter says hackers compromise 250K accounts

Twitter confirmed Friday that it had become the latest victim in a number of high-profile cyber-attacks against media companies, saying that hackers may have gained access to information on 250,000 of its more than 200 million ...

China says it is building its second aircraft carrier

China is building its second aircraft carrier, this time entirely with domestic technology, its Defense Ministry said Thursday, in a leap in its naval development that is increasingly tipping the regional balance of power.

Japan launches H3 rocket, destroys it over 2nd-stage failure

Japan's space agency intentionally destroyed a new H3 rocket minutes after its launch Tuesday because the ignition failed for the second stage of the country's first new rocket series in more than two decades.

Brazil to begin rebuilding its burned Antarctic base

Three navy supply ships will head for Antarctica next month to begin rebuilding a Brazilian naval base destroyed by a deadly fire in February, Defense Minister Celso Amorim said Monday.

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