E-waste recycling matter of national security: report

Recovering precious elements from e-waste is a security imperative for Europe that should be written into law, according to a report Monday that said it was "crucial" to ensure industry competitiveness and sustain tech-dependent ...

Russia launches military satellite: ministry

Russia on Sunday successfully launched a military satellite from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the defence ministry said in a statement.

How 3-D printing could revolutionize war and foreign policy

3D printing will revolutionize war and foreign policy, say experts, not only by making possible incredible new designs but by turning the defence industry—and possibly the entire global economy—on its head.

Paralysis promises smart silk technology

(Phys.org) —Oxford University researchers have harnessed the natural defence mechanism of silkworms, which causes paralysis, in what is a major step towards the large-scale production of silks with tailor-made properties.

Singapore gains toehold in world arms industry

Singapore, better known for its clean-cut image and electronics exports, is seeking a place in the global arms industry by exploiting technological expertise honed on its own amply funded military.