Four decades of data sounds early warning on Lake George

Although concentrations of chemicals and pollutants like salt and nutrients have increased in the deep waters of Lake George, they're still too low to harm the ecosystem at those depths, according to an analysis of nearly ...

Northern fur seals multiply on steaming Alaska volcano

Alaska's northern fur seal population for three decades has been classified as depleted, but the marine mammals are showing up in growing numbers at an unlikely location—a tiny island that forms the tip of an active undersea ...

Learning how to restore deep-sea coral communities

The deep, cold waters off the rocky coast of Point Sur, California, are home to an unexpected community of organisms that most people associate with tropical settings—corals. Scientist Charlie Boch and his colleagues recently ...

Dense Antarctic water returning to the Atlantic

The supply of dense Antarctic water from the bottom of the ocean to the Atlantic has declined in recent years. However, a new study explains for the first time how since 2014 this has stabilized and slightly recovered due ...

First sea trials of a revolutionary new undersea robot

In late June researchers from MBARI joined engineers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to test a new breed of undersea robot designed to open up new avenues of research in the mesopelagic, also known as the ...

Whales die in new mysterious Iceland stranding

Some 20 pilot whales have died stranded in mysterious circumstances on the south-western coast of Iceland, emergency services said Saturday, only two weeks after a similarly unexplained mass stranding had already killed dozens ...

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