Melting Antarctic could impact oceans 'for centuries'

Rapidly melting Antarctic ice threatens to dramatically slow deep-water currents in the world's oceans, scientists say, impacting the spread of fresh water, oxygen and life-sustaining nutrients for centuries.

Scientists uncover ice-age shift in Pacific Ocean circulation

The overturning circulation of the Pacific Ocean "flipped" during the last ice age, altering the placement of ancient waters rich in carbon dioxide, according to Earth system scientists at the University of California, Irvine.

Life in the smoke of underwater volcanoes

Deep down in the ocean at tectonic plate boundaries, hot fluids rise from hydrothermal vents. The fluids are devoid of oxygen and contain large amounts of metals such as iron, manganese or copper. Some may also transport ...

Toothed whales catch food in the deep using vocal fry register

Dolphins and other toothed whales are large brained top predators that captivate our imagination; they are extremely social, they cooperate, and can hunt prey down to 2 km deep in complete darkness with echolocation.

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