Giant tooth of ancient marine reptile discovered in Alps

The fossils of three ichthyosaurs—giant marine reptiles that patrolled primordial oceans—have been discovered high up in the Swiss Alps, and include the largest ever tooth found for the species, a study said Thursday.

Groundbreaking Indian Ocean science mission reaches an end

The British-led Nekton scientific mission on Thursday completed a seven-week expedition in the Indian Ocean aimed at documenting changes beneath the waves that could affect billions of people in the surrounding region over ...

AlphaZero just wants to play

Artificial intelligence is continually hyped up, but disappears from view again just as quickly. Roger Wattenhofer explains why that might soon change.

Where does AlphaGo go?

On March 15, 2016, Lee Sodol, an 18-time world champion of the ancient Chinese board game Go, was defeated by AlphaGo, a computer program. The event is one of the most historic in the field of artificial intelligence since ...

The supremely intelligent rat-cyborg

When Deep Blue battled the reigning human chess champion the world held its breath. Who was smarter … man or machine? A human victory would confirm the superiority of human intelligence, while a victory for Deep Blue would ...

How to teach Deep Blue to play poker and deliver groceries

Deep Blue gained world-wide attention in 1997 when it defeated the then chess world champion Garry Kasparov. But playing chess was all that Deep Blue could do. Ask it to play another game, even a simpler one, such as checkers, ...

Rare whale caught on film for first time

Australian researchers Thursday revealed they had filmed a pod of extremely rare Shepherd's beaked whales for the first time ever.

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