Researchers crack unassailable encryption algorithm in two hours

( —A protocol based on "discrete logarithms", deemed as one of the candidates for the Internet's future security systems, was decrypted by EPFL researchers. Allegedly tamper-proof, it could only stand up to the ...

PlayStation 3 hack is decryption jolt for Sony

(—This week brings more bad security news for Sony. The unlocking of a console, called jailbreaking, is a way that the jailbreakers get to fulfill their wishes to customize their console to run their own code and ...

How safe is encryption today?

When checking your email over a secure connection, or making a purchase from an online retailer, have you ever wondered how your private information or credit card data is kept secure?

A user-controlled file security scheme for cloud services

By securing data files with a 'need-to-know' decryption key, researchers at Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) have developed a way to control access to cloud-hosted data in real time, adding ...

Strengthening cybersecurity through research

Mobile computing has become a fundamental feature in modern day life as people develop an unprecedented reliance on smart phones and tablets. However, along with their ubiquity comes a host of risks that can affect personal ...

It's easier to defend against ransomware than you might think

Ransomware – malicious software that sneaks onto your computer, encrypts your data so you can't access it and demands payment for unlocking the information – has become an emerging cyberthreat. Several reports in the ...

Perfecting email security

Millions of us send billions of emails back and forth each day without much concern for their security. On the whole, security is not a primary concern for most day-to-day emails, but some emails do contain personal, proprietary ...

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