Decision making in space

An academic at Royal Holloway has conducted research to see how people make decisions in space with zero gravity and the results prove this little-known area needs to be addressed.

Do cold temperatures result in heat-of-the-moment purchases?

In 2005, the New York Times reported that high end retailer Bergdorf Goodman kept its stores chilled to 68.3 degrees, whereas Old Navy's was kept at a balmy 80.3. Meanwhile, the swanky IFC mall in Hong Kong is kept at a frigid ...

Shame about poverty often increases poverty

Shame is more common among people who have financial difficulties and is often accompanied by behavior that actually can perpetuate poverty. For example, money is spent on status symbols instead of basic necessities, and ...

Ionic decision-maker capable of self-learning

A NIMS research group has invented an ionic device, termed an ionic decision-maker, capable of quickly making its own decisions based on previous experience using changes in ionic/molecular concentrations. The group then ...

Better winter weather forecasts for airports

EU-funded researchers have developed up to the minute probabilistic forecasts for winter weather that enable air traffic and airport operators to make their operations more efficient and to mitigate risks.

Bag a job, bag your prey

How many jobs should an applicant consider before accepting the next job offer? Turns out the same decision-making process that goes into searching for a job also applies to hunters searching for prey, and the knowledge can ...

Mini video cameras offer peek at hard-to-observe bird behavior

Fledging behavior—when and why baby birds leave the nest—is something scientists know very little about. Rarely is someone watching a nest at just the right moment to see fledging happen. To get around this, the researchers ...

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