How to prepare your home for summer heat waves

Every year, an estimated 600 people in the U.S. die in extreme heat waves. Nearly 10,000 are hospitalized and more than 67,000 visit emergency rooms. This year, record-smashing heat waves have swept across the southwestern ...

Climate change to lengthen growing season

Across much of Norway, the agricultural growing season could become up to two months longer due to climate change. A research project has been studying the potential and challenges inherent in such a scenario.

How tree species adapt to climate change

Can trees adapt to (climate) change? Which trees are more or less capable of doing so, and why? A group of researchers from all over the world set to work on these questions. Professor of Environmental Biology Peter van Bodegom ...

The role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) conducted a multi-year empirical study to assess the impact of trees on city temperatures. Taking the city of Würzburg as an example, the researchers showed that vegetation ...

Bamboozling the bark beetles

The forest is struggling to cope with the largest bark beetle plague in 70 years. While the trees are suffering due to the heat and the drought, the pests are proliferating rampantly in the warm weather: A pair of European ...

How trees cope with late spring frosts

Due to climate change, many deciduous trees leaf-out earlier. However, the risk of late spring frosts remains high and the frequency of extreme droughts is clearly increasing. Tree species able to quickly recover after frost ...

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