Fake news can backfire for companies caught in the act

In the era of fake news, less scrupulous businesses are using deceptive tactics to smear their rivals. But companies that spread fake news against their competitors ultimately experience the brunt of negative publicity and ...

Big little lies of mobile dating

For some online daters, the constant contact of mobile technology has made it hard to play it cool. As a result, lying about availability is a common deception mobile app daters tell their potential partners, according to ...

Honestly? Just sign here—first

Tax collectors and insurance agencies trying to boost honest reporting could improve compliance simply by asking people to sign their forms at the beginning instead of at the end.

Detecting deception online is not so easy, says professor

The sheer number of phishing scams that bombard our inboxes is an indication of the success scammers have in deceiving people through electronic communication. It is such a prevalent problem that some businesses are now taking ...

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