Neiman Marcus is latest victim of security breach

Luxury merchant Neiman Marcus confirmed Saturday that thieves stole some of its customers' payment card information and made unauthorized charges over the holiday season, becoming the second retailer in recent weeks to announce ...

Target: Customers' encrypted PINs were stolen

Target said Friday that debit card PIN numbers were among the financial information stolen from millions of U.S. customers who shopped at the retailer earlier this month.

Weak US card security made Target a juicy target

The U.S. is the juiciest target for hackers hunting credit card information. And experts say incidents like the recent data theft at Target's stores will get worse before they get better.

Five arrested in $45 mn 'cyber heist'

Five people were arrested Monday following a global "cyber heist" in which hackers stole $45 million by overriding the cash withdrawal limits of prepaid debit cards, US officials said.

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