Cyclone leaves 13 dead in Brazil

A cyclone which tore through southern Brazil has killed at least 13 people and forced thousands from their homes, authorities said Sunday.

Six dead in Cuba flooding, hundreds of houses damaged

The death toll from heavy rains and flooding in east and central Cuba has risen to six, official media reported Tuesday as thousands of evacuees started returning home amid widespread property damage.

Early warning systems send disaster deaths plunging: UN

Weather-related disasters have surged over the past 50 years, causing swelling economic damage even as early warning systems have meant dramatically fewer deaths, the United Nations said Monday.

Cyclone Mocha death toll rises to 29 in Myanmar

The death toll from Cyclone Mocha which barrelled through the Bay of Bengal rose on Monday as contact was slowly restored to western Myanmar, with 29 people reported dead.

Scientist: Progress in identifying Tulsa massacre victims

A forensic anthropologist believes investigators are a step closer to identifying victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre with the discovery of 19 surnames possibly connected to remains excavated from a Tulsa cemetery.

Names Fiona, Ian removed from UN's hurricane roster

The death and destruction caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian last year has prompted the UN weather agency to remove the names from a rotating list of storm titles, it said Wednesday.

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