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LG, Google strike patent-sharing deal

LG Electronics said Wednesday it had signed a long-term cross-licence deal with Google as the South Korean firm tries to expand its smartphone business.

Yelp acquires French rival Cityvox

The online review website Yelp announced Tuesday it had acquired French-based rival Cityvox in its latest overseas expansion.

Amazon, Simon & Schuster sign book retail deal

Amazon has reached a deal with American book publisher Simon & Schuster, the companies said, though the e-commerce giant remains at loggerheads with France's Hachette over e-book pricing.

Qualcomm buying CSR in $2.5 billion deal

(AP)—Qualcomm is buying British chip maker CSR in a deal worth approximately $2.5 billion as it pushes aggressively into technology that connects devices over the Internet.

Climate: Now to turn summit prose into action

Having renewed their commitment to saving Earth's climate, governments face daunting challenges in the coming months to draft a global pact and set targets for slashing carbon emissions, analysts said Wednesday.

Twitpic to stay alive with new owner

Twitpic is being acquired in a deal that will give renewed life to the widely used service for sharing pictures on Twitter.

Pandora cuts first-ever direct deal with artists (Update)

Internet radio leader Pandora has come to its first-ever direct licensing deal with artists, a wide-ranging agreement with independent label group Merlin that both said would mean higher payments to artists and more play ...

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