Bronze jewelry sheds light on prehistoric ritual

Excavation at the dried-out lake site of Papowo Biskupie in north-central Poland has revealed more than 550 bronze artifacts, providing the most telling evidence of ritual deposition of metal by the occupants of the region ...

With success of Artemis I, when will NASA fly Artemis II?

With Orion safe back on Earth, the last and most important tests of the Artemis I mission have been completed, but there are still miles to travel and months of data sifting to go before NASA will target an Artemis II launch ...

Northern peatlands in Finland are still expanding, finds study

According to a new study published in Global Change Biology, the area of northern peatlands has grown in recent centuries. Previously, it was thought that the lateral expansion of peatlands in Fennoscandia has halted or significantly ...

Launch is approaching for NASA's next Mars rover, Perseverance

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is just over a month from its July 20 targeted launch date. The rover's astrobiology mission will seek signs of past microscopic life on Mars, explore the geology of the Jezero Crater landing ...

Creating exotic 'outer space' ice in the lab

The search for life beyond Earth typically focuses on first looking for water, the basis for life as we know it. Whether the water is a gas, liquid, or solid, its presence and composition can tell researchers a lot about ...

Exposing modern forgers

The art market is booming and commercialisation has increased apace. As a result, bad actors are tempted to copy a historical painting in the hope of making a quick buck. These fakes are most easily detected if it can be ...

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