Mouse mummies point to mammalian life in 'Mars-like' Andes

The dry, wind-swept summits of volcanoes in the Puna de Atacama of Chile and Argentina are the closest thing on Earth to the surface of Mars due to their thin atmosphere and freezing temperatures. At their extreme elevations ...

Laser prototype for space-based gravitational wave detector

Researchers have announced a prototype for a laser at the heart of the first space-based gravitational wave observatory, known as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission. The team's new laser nearly meets the ...

Online scams cost $485 mn in US in 2011: survey

Online scams including identity theft schemes, "advance fee" and "romance fraud" cost Americans some $485 million in 2011, a report prepared for the FBI said Thursday.

Genetic secrets of date palm unlocked

Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar (WCMC-Q) have mapped a draft version of the date palm genome, unlocking many of its genetic secrets.

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