NASA continues Psyche asteroid mission

NASA announced Friday the agency decided its Psyche mission will go forward, targeting a launch period opening on Oct. 10, 2023.

Genome sequencing project sheds light on origin of the date palm

They are as ubiquitous in the Arab world as camels and shifting sands, and its fruit is required eating at special occasions and during Muslim holidays. Yet as inseparable as the date palm might seem from today's Middle East, ...

Tell me your barcode, and I will tell you what palm you are

Reliable and cost-effective species recognition is the dream of many scientists, and has important applications. While the use of morphological features is often uncertain, and can lead to misidentification, species identification ...

Study suggests giant sloth did not make it to Holocene

A team of researchers from the National University of Central Buenos Aires, Olavarría, Stafford Research and La Brea Tar Pits and Museum, has found evidence that suggests the giant sloth went extinct before the onset of ...

Are we looking for happiness in all the wrong places?

If only we could win millions on the lottery—or failing that, at least convince our boss to give us a massive raise. And then, if we could just meet the love of our life on that new dating app, we could Instagram our perfect, ...

The satellite with X-ray vision

In the early hours of October 23, 2011, ROSAT was engulfed in the waves of the Indian Ocean. This was the end of a success story that is unparalleled in German space exploration research. The satellite, developed and built ...

Nuclear techniques confirm unique biology of human eye lens

Age-related cataract and a reduction in the ability to focus (presbyopia) are very common vision problems in older people. New research from ANSTO has provided evidence to confirm the long life of an important biomolecule ...

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