Gov't plans to double available wireless spectrum

(AP) -- The Obama administration intends to nearly double the available amount of wireless communications spectrum over the next 10 years in an effort to keep up with the ever-growing demand for high-speed video and data ...

Install and Forget: Batteryless Radio Sensors

Siemens has developed a variety of energy autarkic radio sensors that draw the energy they require for operation from their surroundings. The technology can be used to automatically monitor facilities in remote areas, for ...

High-performance microring resonator developed by INRS researchers

A new, more efficient low-cost microring resonator for high speed telecommunications systems has been developed and tested by Professor Roberto Morandotti's INRS team in collaboration with Canadian, American, and Australian ...

Smallest nanoantennas for high-speed data networks

More than 120 years after the discovery of the electromagnetic character of radio waves by Heinrich Hertz, wireless data transmission dominates information technology. Higher and higher radio frequencies are applied to transmit ...

Time Lens Speeds Up Optical Data Transmission

( -- Researchers at Cornell University have developed a device called a "time lens" which is a silicon device for speeding up optical data. The basic components of this device are an optical-fiber coil, laser, ...

Kenya gets undersea broadband fibre optic cable

An undersea fibre optic cable bringing broadband Internet connectivity to east Africa, reached the Kenyan coast from the United Arab Emirates on Friday, the president said.

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