Controlling skyrmions for better electronics

Physicists at the University of Hamburg managed for the first time to individually write and delete single skyrmions, a knot-like magnetic entity. Such vortex-shaped magnetic structures exhibit unique properties which make ...

Observing electrons in real-time could lead to faster computing

( —New research revealing the interactions between electrons and organic carrier materials in devices that use electron spin to encode information could help in the development of faster and more efficient data ...

Researchers develop tool to improve NASA polar ice mission

(—Data vital to understanding global climate change will benefit from more efficient and secure processing, thanks to a new tool created by members of Indiana University's Research Technologies Systems.

Less wear, longer life for memory storage device

Probe storage devices read and write data by making nanoscale marks on a surface through physical contact. The technology may one day extend the data density limits of conventional magnetic and optical storage, but current ...

Magnetic vortex reveals key to spintronic speed limit

(—The evolution of digital electronics is a story of miniaturization - each generation of circuitry requires less space and energy to perform the same tasks. But even as high-speed processors move into handheld ...

Researchers switch magnetism of individual molecules

Using individual molecules instead of electronic or magnetic memory cells would revolutionise data storage technology, as molecular memories could be thousand-fold smaller. Scientists of Kiel University took a big step towards ...

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