Graphene and 'spintronics' combo looks promising

A team of physicists has taken a big step toward the development of useful graphene spintronic devices. The physicists, from the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Science and Technology of China, present ...

Big data keeps complex production running smoothly

Industrial plants must function effectively. Remedying production downtimes and breakdowns is an expensive and time-consuming business. That is why companies collect data to evaluate how their facilities are doing. At the ...

Better, cheaper, faster ways for making (and destroying) memories

For literary types, memory is often linked with Marcel Proust's madeleine cookie, which, in a single bite, launches a nostalgic reverie that lasts through seven volumes. But for scientists and engineers at the University ...

Researchers develop tool to improve NASA polar ice mission

(—Data vital to understanding global climate change will benefit from more efficient and secure processing, thanks to a new tool created by members of Indiana University's Research Technologies Systems.

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