When data's deep, dark places need to be illuminated

Much of the data of the World Wide Web hides like an iceberg below the surface. The so-called 'deep web' has been estimated to be 500 times bigger than the 'surface web' seen through search engines like Google. For scientists ...

More efficient nano-LED opens door to faster microchips

The electronic data connections within and between microchips are increasingly becoming a bottleneck in the exponential growth of data traffic worldwide. Optical connections are the obvious successors but optical data transmission ...

New open source software for high resolution microscopy

With their special microscopes, experimental physicists can already observe single molecules. However, unlike conventional light microscopes, the raw image data from some ultra-high resolution instruments first have to be ...

Apple announces advancements to ResearchKit

Apple today announced advancements to the open source ResearchKit framework that bring genetic data and a series of medical tests typically conducted in an exam room to iPhone apps. Medical researchers are adopting these ...

Changing the biological data visualization world

Scientists at TGAC, alongside European partners, have created a cutting-edge, open source community for the lifesciences. BioJavaScript (BioJS) is a free, accessible software library that develops visualization tools for ...

Information, writ widely

Imagine an online catalog for data from researchers worldwide, a resource allowing scholars to not only read journal articles, but view the complete data sets behind the studies, a way for them to draw from, reproduce, cite, ...

Ashley Madison hackers vow more attacks: report

The hacking group behind the Ashley Madison breach compared the affair-seeking website to "a drug dealer abusing addicts" in an email exchange threatening to carry out more attacks.

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