Big data at the nanoscale

An international team of scientists, including physicists from the University of Luxembourg, have reported a comprehensive view-point on how machine learning approaches can be used in Nanoscience to analyze and extract new ...

NASA's Juno navigators enable Jupiter cyclone discovery

Jupiter's south pole has a new cyclone. The discovery of the massive Jovian tempest occurred on Nov. 3, 2019, during the most recent data-gathering flyby of Jupiter by NASA's Juno spacecraft. It was the 22nd flyby during ...

African countries can't industrialise? Yes, they can

Narratives are essential. Humans are, after all, "helpless story junkies". Business and economic success depend much more than is commonly acknowledged on getting the narrative right. And if there is a narrative where getting ...

Volcanologist jams to the beat of the Earth's drummer

"We're Barely Listening to the U.S.'s Most Dangerous Volcanoes," read the headline on a recent story in the New York Times, pointing to the dismal state of volcano monitoring in the Pacific Northwest.

Researchers design new material using artificial intelligence

Researchers at TU Delft have developed a new supercompressible but strong material without conducting any experimental tests at all, using only artificial intelligence (AI). "AI gives you a treasure map, and the scientist ...

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