Seawater could have provided phosphorus required for emerging life

The problem of how phosphorus became a universal ingredient for life on Earth may have been solved by researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University of Cape Town, who have recreated primordial seawater containing ...

Wildfire smoke is unraveling decades of air quality gains

Wildfire smoke now exposes millions of Americans each year to dangerous levels of fine particulate matter, lofting enough soot across parts of the West in recent years to erase much of the air quality gains made over the ...

Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches

Greenland's rapidly melting ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least 10.6 inches (27 centimeters)—more than twice as much as previously forecast—according to a study published Monday.

Citizen science empowers people to address global challenges

Citizen science is increasingly recognized as an important vehicle for democratizing science and promoting the goal of universal and equitable access to scientific data and information. IIASA researchers actively contribute ...

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