Dust storms and valley fever in the American West

Valley fever is a dangerous threat to human health—and cases are on the rise in the arid southwestern United States, as wind from increasing dust storms can transport the fungal spores that cause the disease. Valley fever ...

When research data is shared freely

In recent years, Norwegian researchers have increasingly published their research in open access journals. Some go one step further and share their data.

Snap ups its game with sports, weather data

Snapchat isn't a resource many turn to for weather and sports scores, but it's spending increasing amounts of money on licensing deals to give users such information.

When does Google hand over your data to governments?

Governments around the world want to know a lot about who we are and what we're doing online and they want communications companies to help them find it. We don't know a lot about when companies hand over this data, but we ...

Dell to sell services for AMA's new e-records

(AP) -- Dell Inc. hopes to expand a key part of its business through a deal to sell computer hardware and technology consulting to medical practices that want to use new electronic medical records and related services from ...

Few keep track of their personal data on the net

According to a study by computer science researchers at Karlstad University, few people know how their personal data are collected, used, shared and accessed. The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming into ...

Wheeler says FCC won't allow Internet 'slow lane'

The nation's top telecommunications regulator defended his latest proposal to protect an open Internet, warning cable companies that manipulating data traffic on their networks for profit would not be tolerated.

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