How fishing communities are responding to climate change

What happens when climate change affects the abundance and distribution of fish? Fishers and fishing communities in the Northeast United States have adapted to those changes in three specific ways, according to new research ...

'Citizen scientists' help track foxes, coyotes in urban areas

As foxes and coyotes adapt to urban landscapes, the potential for encounters with humans necessarily goes up. A team of scientists is taking advantage of this fact to enlist the eyeballs and fingertips of humans—getting ...

Ecologists ask: Should we be more transparent with data?

Computational reproducibility—the ability to accurately reproduce outcomes from data sets using the same code and software—will be an increasingly important factor in future scientific studies according to a new paper ...

Scientist uses giant spectrometer to search for cure for cancer

A pro at navigating the labyrinthine hallways in the Chemistry Building, Scott Showalter, researcher and associate professor of chemistry in Penn State's Eberly College of Science, maneuvers from his office, class and a handful ...