Researchers building high-speed data 'freeway system'

For the last three years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a series of competitive grants to over 100 U.S. universities to aggressively upgrade their campus network capacity for greatly enhanced science data ...

Cutting congestion on the data network highway

Perhaps no other consumer-driven technology has made such incredible advances in such a relatively short space of time as the mobile phone. Today's smartphones are used to stream videos, access social media and perform all ...

Active learning model for computer predictions

Computers serve as powerful tools for categorizing, displaying and searching data. They're tools we continually upgrade to improve processing power, both locally and via the cloud. But computers are simply the medium for ...

Internet traffic rise needs infrastructure upgrade

Australian internet traffic will increase by more than five times to hit one exabyte (one billion gigabytes) of data a month by 2016, a University of Adelaide mathematician and internet researcher has predicted.

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