New frontiers in communication systems

Data centres such as the ones used by Google and Facebook are the fundamental backbone for a range of services and applications including cloud and fog computing, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), social networking, weather ...

Rapid tsunami warning by means of GPS

For submarine earthquakes that can generate tsunamis, the warning time for nearby coastal areas is very short. Using high-precision analysis of GPS data from the Fukushima earthquake of 11 March 2011, scientists at the German ...

Satellite data for agriculture

Securing crop production on our planet in a sustainable way is one of the big challenges of our time, also with regard to climate change. On the one hand, sustainable farming means to guarantee the production of food, textiles ...

How smartphones are heating up the planet

When we think about climate change, the main sources of carbon emissions that come to mind for most of us are heavy industries like petroleum, mining and transportation.

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