Random wrinkles for opto-physical unclonable functions

The convergence of digital technology and the internet has led to the emergence of complex digital networks utilizing ubiquitous electronic devices such as mobile phones and smart home appliances. As a result, we can access ...

Firms time announcements of data breaches to bury the bad news

New research in the INFORMS journal Management Science finds that firms that have experienced data breaches intentionally stage the timing of such announcements around other significant breaking news as a means of reducing ...

Bypassing popular passwords

Every year computer security companies share their findings regarding passwords and data breaches. Again and again, they warn computer users to use complex passwords and not to use the same passwords for different accounts. ...

Why are Australians still using Facebook?

This weeks marks 15 years since Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg first set up the platform with his college roommate Eduardo Saverin. Since then, Facebook has grown into a giant global enterprise.

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