The promise of the "learn to code" movement

This week, educators, students and the public around the world are participating in Computer Science Education Week by organizing and leading one-hour coding tutorials.

Fix Facebook, whether it wants to or not: whistleblower

Eight months after revealing the links between Facebook and Cambridge Analytica (CA), whistleblower Christopher Wylie is pushing for the internet giant to be regulated—whether it wants to or not.

Will algorithms predict your future?

A report from Cardiff University reveals the extent to which public service provision is now being influenced by data analytics.

UTSA creates web-based open source dashboard of North Pole

It's called ArcCI (or Arctic CyberInfrastructure) and promises to combine the thousands of images that have been taken along the years of the Arctic Ocean into one global database that will help scientists and the world see ...

Why are data ethics so challenging in a changing world?

We now live largely in a data-driven world, and ethical oversight and constraints are needed to be sure that data ethics can reach an appropriate balance between the risks and benefits of data technology. The goal is to control ...

Roles of web analytics companies in news production

Today, web analytics are increasingly used to gauge the success, present and future, of news content and related news products. Valerie Belair-Gagnon, an assistant professor in the University of Minnesota Hubbard School of ...

Data scientists in hot demand thanks to Big Data

Data scientist is one of the most attractive jobs of the 21st century. This impression is confirmed when you take a look at relevant online job portals. According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, in the USA demand ...

Big data analytics for dummies

Big Data is still very much an elite thing: only the most IT-savvy and wealthy businesses have a shot at scratching the surface of its potential. All this could be about to change thanks to a Big Data analytics platform developed ...

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