Related topics: robot

DARPA advances video analysis tools

A massive amount of data from video sensors is collected in theater, and there aren’t enough analysts or time available to review. Reducing the amount of data or the number of sensors isn’t the answer, and there ...

DARPA wants your ideas for a 100-year starship

The idea for a 100-year starship has been tossed around recently, and now DARPA the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has put out a Request for Information (RFI) looking for ideas about how a long-term human mission ...

iRobot planning an Android-based robot

( -- iRobot is working on robots that have the brains of an Android tablet. The goal is an Android-based tablet that is able to see the world around it, hear input from humans, respond and think about the next ...

DARPA issues BAA for advanced robotic translator

( -- The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the procurement of research leading to an advanced robotic device capable of performing as a translator ...

Experimental Scramjet aircraft set for test flight

The X-51A Waverider hypersonic scramjet project is set for its second test flight today, and the U.S. Air Force hopes it will demonstrate technology that can eventually be used for more efficient transport of payloads into ...

DARPA grant to fund research into magnetic logic

( -- The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded a team of researchers led by Wolfgang Porod, Freimann Professor of Electrical Engineering and director of the University of Notre Dame’s ...

DARPA announces plans for self-piloted flying car

( -- Last week, DARPA announced that it is inviting proposals to tackle its latest project: "a vertical takeoff and landing roadable air vehicle." The ground-to-sky vehicle, called Transformer X (TX), should have ...

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