Could massive gravitons be viable dark matter candidates?

Today, many research teams worldwide are trying to detect dark matter, an invisible substance that is believed to account for most of the matter in the universe. As does not reflect or emit light, its presence has been indirectly ...

Study sheds light on axion dark matter

Scientists from Durham University and Kings College London have presented a theoretical review in a new study strongly supporting the search for axion dark matter.

Distant galaxies and the true nature of dark matter

At the center of spiral galaxies—those near to us but also those billions of light-years away—there is a vast spherical region made up of dark matter particles. This region has two defining characteristics: a density ...

The quantum field theory on which the everyday world supervenes

The laws of physics underlying everyday life are, at one level of description, completely known, and can be summarized in a single elegant—if quite complex—equation. That's the claim physicist Sean Carroll, an SFI Fractal ...

Crunching multiverse to solve two physics puzzles at once

The discovery of the Higgs boson was a landmark in the history of physics. It explained something fundamental: how elementary particles that have mass get their masses. But it also marked something no less fundamental: the ...

Did black holes form immediately after the Big Bang?

How did supermassive black holes form? What is dark matter? In an alternative model for how the universe came to be, as compared to the 'textbook' history of the universe, a team of astronomers propose that both of these ...

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