Hubble captures a dozen Sunburst Arc doppelgangers

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have observed a galaxy in the distant regions of the Universe which appears duplicated at least 12 times on the night sky. This unique sight, created by strong gravitational ...

Explosion illuminates invisible galaxy in the dark ages

( —More than 12 billion years ago a star exploded, ripping itself apart and blasting its remains outward in twin jets at nearly the speed of light. At its death it glowed so brightly that it outshone its entire ...

Scientists record Earth's radio waves from the moon

On Feb. 22, a lunar lander named Odysseus touched down near the moon's South Pole and popped out four antennas to record radio waves around the surface—a moment University of Colorado Boulder astrophysicist Jack Burns hails ...

Webb draws back curtain on universe's early galaxies

A few days after officially starting science operations, the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope propelled astronomers into a realm of early galaxies, previously hidden beyond the grasp of all other telescopes. Webb is ...

An ocean of galaxies awaits: New COMAP radio survey

Sometime around 400 million years after the birth of our universe, the first stars began to form. The universe's so-called dark ages came to an end and a new light-filled era began. More and more galaxies began to take shape ...

Astronomers map silk of cosmic web

An international team of astronomers, including several from the Netherlands, has mapped a piece of the cosmic web without using bright quasars for the first time. Their findings will be published shortly in the journal Astronomy ...

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