Can Facebook save Australia's dairy farmers?

Social media is coming to the aid of Australia's dairy farmers by promoting the virtues of stumping up an extra dollar to buy branded milk, leaving the $2 house brands on the shelves, says QUT retail expert Dr Gary Mortimer.

High alpine dairying may have begun over 3000 years ago

The discovery of dairy fats on ancient pottery may indicate dairying high in the Alps occurred as early as the Iron Age over 3000 years ago, according to a study published April 21, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE ...

Water recovered from whey can be used for clean-in-place procedures

Water scarcity is a serious issue and a concern among the dairy industry, as declines in the availability of water could decrease food supply and increase food price. Water is necessary for many applications, including equipment ...

Breeding value for sires for feed intake

As from today, the Dutch dairy farmers can view how feed efficient the offspring of sires are. The Netherlands is one of the first countries in the world publishing this breeding value. The increased world population requires ...

Why some humans developed a taste for milk and some didn't

Imagine a dinner party somewhere in Italy to which, as it turns out, my dad has been invited. On the menu tonight is a sliced tomato, basil and mozzarella salad, pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce topped with parmesan cheese, ...

Canola beats soybean as protein source for dairy cattle

Agricultural Research Service dairy scientists in Wisconsin are helping dairy farmers weigh the merits of a relatively new option for feeding their cattle: Using canola meal as a protein supplement.

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