Supplement aids milk production

( -- Massey University research has led to the development of a calf supplement that can increase milk yield in dairy cows by up to 12 per cent.

Seaweed as a rich new source of heart-healthy food ingredients

In an article that may bring smiles to the faces of vegetarians who consume no dairy products and vegans, who consume no animal-based foods, scientists have identified seaweed as a rich new potential source of heart-healthy ...

Traces of cow’s methane emissions in the milk

Wageningen University researchers in the Netherlands are able to determine cows' methane emissions using the composition of fatty acids in their milk. This opens up the prospect of a method for reducing methane production ...

Bid to ban cloned foods in Europe collapses

An effort to ban cloned foods from supermarket shelves in Europe collapsed on Tuesday after EU states and the parliament failed to agree a law to control the industry.

Researchers develop new method to detect melamine in milk

University of Miami assistant professor in the College of Engineering, Na Li and her collaborators have developed a fast, economical and easy method to detect melamine in milk. Melamine is the compound found in contaminated ...

Scientists Study Holstein Milk Production, Fertility

( -- Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have discovered why Holsteins—bred to produce more milk—are less fertile than before breeding efforts were stepped up to increase dairy production: It's ...

New labels might decrease overall demand for milk

( -- Recent increases in organic and hormone-free milk labeling might negatively affect sales of milk without such labels, and could lead to a decreased demand for all milk types, according to a new economic study ...

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