Breeding value for sires for feed intake

As from today, the Dutch dairy farmers can view how feed efficient the offspring of sires are. The Netherlands is one of the first countries in the world publishing this breeding value. The increased world population requires ...

Why some humans developed a taste for milk and some didn't

Imagine a dinner party somewhere in Italy to which, as it turns out, my dad has been invited. On the menu tonight is a sliced tomato, basil and mozzarella salad, pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce topped with parmesan cheese, ...

Oregano may reduce methane in cow burps

It may sound pretty harmless, but methane emissions from cows are a large problem for the climate. When ruminants digest their feed, methane is formed as a natural by-product of the microbial process in the rumen, and since ...

Effectiveness of probiotics in dairy products evaluated

Probiotics, those living bacteria and yeasts that offer a variety of health benefits, especially for the digestive system, are now available to consumers in yogurt and a variety of other food products as well as in nonfood ...

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