Consumers embrace milk carton QR codes, may cut food waste

The "use-by" and "best-by" dates printed on milk cartons and gallon jugs may soon become a thing of the past, giving way to more accurate and informative QR codes. A new Cornell University study finds that consumers will ...

For plant-based proteins, soy is a smart choice

Soy—the versatile protein source that comes from the species of legumes known as soybeans—is becoming a popular alternative to meat and dairy products, and for good reason. Whether you are trying to eat healthier, eat ...

New Zealand on verge of wiping out painful cattle disease

New Zealand is on the verge of eradicating a painful disease from its herd of 10 million cattle after a four-year campaign that has cost hundreds of millions of dollars and resulted in more than 175,000 cows being killed.

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