Hormonal treatment for cows could reduce global warming

New research carried out by The University of Nottingham suggests targeted use of hormone treatments could make the dairy industry more efficient and sustainable in addition to cutting greenhouse gas emissions. 

Dairy farms asked to consider breeding no-horn cows

Food manufacturers and restaurants are taking the dairy industry by the horns on an animal welfare issue that's long bothered activists but is little known to consumers: the painful removal of budding horn tissue from calves ...

Prevalence of colds and pneumonia in cows can be controlled

Respiratory diseases in cattle are a great threat to animal welfare and lead to financial losses in the cattle industry. The bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is one of the main causes of respiratory disease in cattle. ...

Lameness in dairy cattle linked to diet

The results of 'on farm' research into the deadly cattle condition ruminal acidosis could help dairy farmers detect the early warning signs and prevent stock loss.

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