Conservation dairy farming could help Pa. meet Chesapeake target

If the majority of dairy farms in Pennsylvania fully adopt conservation best-management practices, the state may be able to achieve its total maximum daily load water-quality target for the Chesapeake Bay, according to researchers.

In the US, small organic milk producers face turmoil

With supply exceeding demand, large farms taking center stage and plant-based alternatives luring consumers away, times are hard for small organic milk producers in the United States.

Improving the Illinois dairy industry, one farm at a time

Like most farmers, Illinois dairy producers want to maximize efficiency and productivity to improve their bottom line. But many don't have the time or objective perspective to audit their own operations for potential improvements. ...

Cattle associated antibiotics disturb soil ecosystems

Manure from cattle administered antibiotics drastically changes the bacterial and fungal make-up of surrounding soil, leading to ecosystem dysfunction, according to a Virginia Tech research team.

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