New computing applications expedite animal breeding

A doctoral thesis studied new statistical methods for animal breeding, based on which extensive livestock data samples can be analysed, and complex models used, more efficiently. Computing times lasting months can be reduced ...

Supplement aids milk production

( -- Massey University research has led to the development of a calf supplement that can increase milk yield in dairy cows by up to 12 per cent.

Could we breed cows that emit less methane?

Reducing methane emissions from livestock would benefit farmers and the environment. In a first step towards breeding low-methane-emitting cows, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine ...

The lifetime journeys of manure-based microbes

Studies at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are shedding some light on the microbes that dwell in cattle manure—what they are, where they thrive, where they struggle, and where they can end up.

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