Treating mastitis in dairy cattle with vitamin D

A natural remedy that delays and reduces the severity of mastitis infection in dairy cattle is being investigated by scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Supplement aids milk production

( -- Massey University research has led to the development of a calf supplement that can increase milk yield in dairy cows by up to 12 per cent.

Grass Shows Promise for Removing Antibiotics from Water

( -- What goes in must come out, and when animals are given antibiotics, they can find their way into the water supply. Now, a Michigan Tech senior has identified one way to sop them up.

Scientists take animal breeding to the next level

( -- University of Alberta scientists have successfully sequenced the genome of two influential bulls, one beef and one dairy, the first animals to have been fully sequenced in Canada.

ARS Gene Collections Vital to Animal Research Efforts

( -- When the National Animal Germplasm Program (NAGP) opened its doors a decade ago, it started out with genetic material from 40 lines of chicken. Today, the center operated by the Agricultural Research Service ...

Scientists Study Holstein Milk Production, Fertility

( -- Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have discovered why Holsteins—bred to produce more milk—are less fertile than before breeding efforts were stepped up to increase dairy production: It's ...

Study looks at turning manure into revenues

( -- Livestock manure isn't often thought of as a value-added product, but researchers at Montana State University and MSU Extension are trying to change that.

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