Cell division in embryos: Not a textbook case of symmetry

As cell biologists, Université de Montréal professor Greg FitzHarris and his Ph.D. student Lia Paim are very interested in fertility and what happens inside the eggs and embryos of the mice they study in their lab. And ...

Global research team fills language gap in plant science

To keep pace with the fast-evolving study of cellular plant science, an international team of researchers has created terminology and definitions likely to become everyday language in laboratories and university classrooms ...

Cell division, minus the cells

(Phys.org) —The process of cell division is central to life. The last stage, when two daughter cells split from each other, has fascinated scientists since the dawn of cell biology in the Victorian era. For just as long, ...

Unlocking long-hidden mechanisms of plant cell division

Along with copying and splitting DNA during division, cells must have a way to break safely into two viable daughter cells, a process called cytokinesis. But the molecular basis of how plant cells accomplish this without ...

A molecular rivet for long-range force transmission

Researchers from the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore (MBI) at the National University of Singapore have described, for the first time, how plastin, an actin-bundling protein, acts as a molecular rivet, providing global ...

Understanding cell division

Cytokinesis is the final step of the process of cell division, by which the two new cells are physically separated. This process relies on a structure called the cytokinetic ring, which needs to be linked to the plasma membrane ...

How sterols influence cell division in plants

Marcia Frescatada-Rosa shows that changes in sterol composition and concentration affect the localization of a specific protein, which is required for cell plate formation during cell division of plants. The dissertation ...