Elegantly modeling Earth's abrupt glacial transitions

Proxy data—indirect records of the Earth's climate found in unlikely places like coral, pollen, trees and sediments—show interesting oscillations approximately every 100,000 years starting about one million years ago. ...

Rise of the diatoms—a new timeline

Diatoms—tiny phytoplankton that are responsible for a fifth of all energy converted into matter by plants—may have become important much earlier in the development of Earth's ocean ecosystems and carbon cycle than previously ...

Researchers use bacteria to enhance concrete resistance

Concrete, with its low cost, good compressive strength, and manufacturing convenience, is one of the most widely used materials in construction. However, with accelerating urbanization, natural aggregates for mixing with ...

How scientists around the world track the solar cycle

Every morning, astronomer Steve Padilla takes a short walk from his home to the base of a tower that soars 150 feet above the ground. Tucked in the San Gabriel Mountains, about an hour's drive north from Los Angeles, the ...

Carbon dioxide glaciers are moving at Mars' South Pole

Glaciers of carbon dioxide are moving, creating deposits kilometers thick today across the south polar region of Mars, something that could have been going on more than 600,000 years, a paper by Planetary Science Institute ...

Climate change is affecting drinking water quality

Heat waves, drought, floods, forest fires—the consequences of climate change are increasing and are changing our environment. A prime example is the countryside in the catchment area for the Rappbode reservoir in the eastern ...

Can we increase the carbon content of agricultural soils?

Climate change is considered one of the most pressing problems of our time. In this context, soil plays a greater role than might be expected. Soil can simultaneously store CO2 from the atmosphere and emit CO2 through microbial ...

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