Israel facing 'increasing number of cyberattacks'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said Israel was facing an increasing number of cyberattacks, just days after Washington issued a veiled warning to Iran over digital attacks on its interests.

At the forefront of cyber security research

Suzanna Schmeelk works at the forefront of cyber security research. In her role as both Berkeley R&D Engineer and a member of the Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST), she examines critical cyber security ...

A few hacker teams do most China-based data theft

As few as 12 different Chinese groups, largely backed or directed by the government there, commit the bulk of the China-based cyberattacks stealing critical data from U.S. companies and government agencies, according to U.S. ...

Homeland Security to hire up to 1K cyber experts

(AP) -- The Obama administration has given a green light to the Homeland Security Department to be more competitive and choosey as it hires up to 1,000 new cyber experts over the next three years, the first major personnel ...

US says will oppose major revisions of global telecom rules

The United States will oppose any major revision to 24-year-old global telecommunications regulations at an international conference in December, the head of the US delegation said Monday, insisting the Internet must remain ...

Obama says US, China must develop cyber rules

President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping, treading carefully, avoided a direct public confrontation on cybersecurity as they opened a two-day summit aimed at forging closer personal ties between the leaders ...

US, China to cooperate more on cyber threat

(AP) -- Asserting that cyberattacks against the U.S. don't come only from China, the U.S. and Chinese defense ministers said they agreed Monday to work together on cyber issues to avoid miscalculations that could lead to ...

Interview: US says cybersecurity covered by law

(AP) -- America's new cyber czar said Wednesday that international law and cooperation - not another treaty - was enough to tackle cybersecurity issues for now.

US investigating Google claim of China hacking

(AP) -- Authorities in the United States are investigating a Google claim that hackers in China stole email details of senior U.S. government officials - an issue that illustrates the problem of attribution in cyberspace, ...

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