Who wants a BlackBerry these days? Millions in Africa and Asia

BlackBerry, once the must-have device for the sweaty palms of executives and wannabe executives everywhere, has seen its global share of the smartphone market fall to below 1%. So would you still buy this unpopular phone? ...

Study investigates variability of V1180 Cas

Bulgarian astronomers have performed long-term optical photometric observations of a young variable star known as V1180 Cas. Results of the observational campaign deliver essential information about the variability of V1180 ...

'History Minute' that proved baseballs really do curve

(Phys.org)—The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a "History Minute" video called "Thrown for a Curve," offering a recap of work done by Lyman Briggs and colleagues back in 1959, when he was head ...

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