Puppy growth monitoring tool could keep obesity in check

The ongoing pandemic has prompted an increase in the number of people around the world acquiring a new puppy. Given that obesity in dogs is associated a shortened average lifespan, of up to 2.5 years in some breeds, and that ...

Education does not always equal social mobility

Educators around the world, particularly those in secondary schools, often default to a compelling story when they are trying to motivate their students: Work hard, achieve well and you will secure a successful future with ...

How shiny are near-Earth objects?

Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are small solar system bodies whose orbits sometimes bring them close to the Earth. NEOs are consequently potential collision threats, but scientists are also interested in them because they offer ...

Exploring the origin of the supersoft X-ray light curve

By simulating the feedback of the white dwarf (WD) to the periodic mass transfer driven by the X-ray irradiation on its companion, researchers led by Ph.D. candidate Zhao Weitao and Prof. Meng Xiangcun from the Yunnan Observatories ...

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